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Does Bleach Kill Mould? Discovering Healthier and Natural Alternatives

Jun 13, 2023

Bleach is often touted as the go-to solution for eliminating mould in homes. But the question that remains paramount is, "does bleach kill mould?" The short answer is yes, bleach can kill some types of mould on non-porous surfaces. However, its effectiveness is limited and using it may pose serious health risks. A better, healthier alternative? Natural mould removers, which we'll explore in more detail below.

Why Bleach Isn't Always the Best Choice

Bleach is a powerful chemical compound that can destroy many types of bacteria and viruses. It's no surprise then, that homeowners have utilised it for years in an attempt to combat mould. However, the Australian Department of Health warns against the excessive use of bleach and other chemical products due to potential health hazards.

Not only can bleach cause respiratory issues, skin irritations, and eye damage, but it's also not as effective on porous surfaces like wood and drywall where mould can deeply root itself. This means you may not be entirely eliminating the problem, but simply bleaching the visible mould white, making it invisible to the eye while it continues to grow undetected.

So does bleach kill mould? Yes, but at what cost? Before reaching for the bleach bottle, consider the health risks and the fact that you may not be fully eradicating the mould. Opt for natural alternatives or professional services instead your health and the health of your family could depend on it.

Natural Mould Removers: A Healthier, Safer Option

In contrast to bleach, natural mould removers are safer for your family, pets, and the environment. Here at Essential Shield Brisbane South, we encourage homeowners to consider more natural alternatives like clove oil, vinegar, or our trusted product, Mr Mould.

Vinegar: Vinegar is a mild acid that can kill 82% of mould species. Simply spray undiluted vinegar onto the mouldy surface, leave it for an hour, and then wipe clean.

Baking Soda: Baking soda has long been regarded as one of the best natural mould removers, with many people still relying on its effectiveness. Create a solution by combining ¼ teaspoon of baking soda with 2 cups of water. Apply the solution to the mouldy area and gently scrub it using a brush.

Clove Oil: Recognised for its antifungal properties, clove oil is an effective solution to kill mould. Dilute it with water, spray onto the mouldy area, and wipe away after 20 minutes.

Mr Mould:  Developed with a specific focus on safe and natural mould removal, Mr Mould stands as the ultimate solution. These products effectively eradicates mould from your home while preventing its regrowth. With its natural and biodegradable formulation, Mr Mould offers an eco-friendly option that prioritizes the safety of everyone involved.

These products have been meticulously crafted using water-based formulations and therapeutic-grade essential oils such as Cinnamon, Rosemary, Eucalyptus, Lemon, and Clove. Combining the power of these essential oils with filtered water and a coconut-based surfactant, they provide a safe and effective solution for removing mould which is why we use them in our professional mould removal service. 

Professional Mould Removal Services

While natural mould removers can be an excellent DIY solution for small mould problems, dealing with extensive mould growth often requires the expertise of a professional mould removal service.

At Essential Shield Brisbane South, our team is well-equipped to tackle mould issues in your home, using products that are safe and effective, like Mr Mould. We offer a range mould prevention and removal services to those in the Brisbane South region. If that's you then contact us today for a free quote.

Remember, prevention is always better than cure. Regular home maintenance, good ventilation, and humidity control are vital in preventing mould growth. Learn more about how to prevent mould in your home on our website

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