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Eradicating Bathroom Mould: A Quick Guide to Mould Removal

Apr 11, 2023

Did you know that a daily shower of five minutes can result in the use of 36,500 litres of water every year?

Where there's water, there's a much higher chance of mould. If you don't practice diligent mould management, then the problem can snowball into an all-out health hazard. The good news is that there are tried and true strategies at your disposal.

Are you wondering what you can do? Keep reading to learn all about bathroom mould removal with this brief yet informative guide.

The Best Way to Clean Mildew From Bathroom Tile Grout

When it comes to removing mould in the bathroom, choosing the right cleaning products is key. Instead of relying on harsh chemicals like bleach, consider opting for natural mould removal and prevention solutions such as Mr Mould, our preferred choice. Mr Mould is not only effective but also eco-friendly, providing a solution to tackle mould issues without compromising your health or the environment.

For those who prefer a DIY approach or are on a tight budget, making your own cleaning solution is a viable option. One method involves using vinegar with lemon and tea tree essential oils. While it may not be as effective as Mr Mould, this natural DIY mould remover can still do a decent job.

To safely clean mould and mildew, it's important to take precautions. Begin by wearing a face mask and gloves for protection. Shake the bottle of cleaner well before each use, then spray it onto the affected surface, allowing it to sit for approximately an hour.

Afterwards, wipe the surface with a dry cloth. For stubborn areas, use a scrub brush to remove any lingering mould. Once finished, spray the cleaner again and let it air dry without rinsing. To enhance its mould-killing power, consider adding a few drops of clove essential oil to the cleaner.

Another option for a DIY bathroom mould remover is creating a natural paste. Simply mix equal parts of baking soda and water until you achieve a thick consistency. Apply the paste directly to the affected areas, ensuring complete coverage of the mouldy spots.

Let the paste sit for about 10 minutes to allow it to penetrate the mould. Then, use a sponge, soft brush, or an old toothbrush to scrub the tile grout and other mould-affected areas. The abrasive texture of the brush or sponge will aid in effective mould removal.

By choosing natural mould removal products like Mr Mould or using a baking soda paste, you not only safeguard your skin from harsh chemicals but also contribute to a healthier environment. Remember to handle mould and mildew with care and maintain proper ventilation during the cleaning process.

When Mould Cleaning Services Are Necessary

Are you still wondering how to clean mould from a shower? Sometimes the mould problem has gone too far. If it's gotten on the drywall and other difficult places, then it's time to seek out professional help. Not only do the professionals know how to clean mould off the ceiling, but they're trained to handle other issues, too. The best service provider can do an effective job without using chemicals.

After you've contacted mould cleaning services, you might be wondering how to prevent the problem from happening again. The biggest culprit is moisture. This is why you need a powerful bathroom fan. It can also help to leave the bathroom door open during or after you take a shower. This can go a long way toward airing out the area and avoiding mould growth.

Are You Ready to Handle Bathroom Mould Removal?

Now that you've learned all about bathroom mould removal, you can ensure that your home is as free of mould as possible. Since mould can thrive in even the smallest cracks and crevices, it's worth calling in the professionals. That way, you can have peace of mind and know your health isn't at risk.

Essential Shield Brisbane South can handle any mould removal in the South Brisbane region. Our experienced team has years of experience and uses industrial tools for thorough cleaning without resorting to chemicals. Contact us for any mould-related matter.

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